Opin vísindi við Stanford háskóla – vert að vita

Russell Poldrak á skrifstofu sinni með nemanda. Mynd úr greininni.

Í greininni 7 things to know about open science at Stanford fjalla Russell Poldrack, Zach Chandler, and Francesca Vera um aðferðir opinna vísinda við Stanford og hvernig þær eru að breyta háskólaumhverfinu.

“Making science more transparent and reproducible was our goal because, broadly, I believe it makes science better,” said Poldrack. While he’s been working on efforts like this in neuroscience through the Center for Reproducible Neuroscience for years, a recent boom in open science practices happened just four years ago – during the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chandler pointed to how scientists, in the search for a vaccine, pooled together their scientific findings and shared their data, leading to record-breaking times in developing a vaccine.

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