Vefkynning 11. júní 2024: Maximise the visibility of your research contributions

Titill vefkynningar:
Maximise the visibility of your research contributions and get noticed by research evaluators through your Web of Science Researcher Profile.

Þriðjudaginn 11. júní 2024 kl. 10 CET (kl. 08:00 að íslenskum tíma)


With the Web of Science Researcher Profiles, researchers are able to make their research contributions and impact more visible and identifiable via a shareable, individual public profile which presents the core research activities of an individual researcher.
Furthermore, such profiles are useful to populate internal information systems with verified and validated key research information, including preprints, scholarly publications, citations, peer reviews, or journal editing work. Researchers can now spend less time maintaining their profiles with automatic updates which will automatically add preprints and publications and grow the profile with less manual effort.
Join this session to learn more about Web of Science Researcher Profiles.

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Vefkynning 29. maí 2024: Supporting the transition to Open Science

Titill vefkynningar:
Supporting the transition to Open Science. How Web of Science can support the discovery and monitoring of Open Access Publications.

Miðvikudaginn 29. maí kl. 10 CET (kl. 08:00 að íslenskum tíma)

Mandates from funders and national guidelines for Open Science are increasing the need for research publications to be published in open access sources. Stakeholders in research are increasingly required to monitor OA publishing and ensure compliance with OA goals. Web of Science Core Collection is positioned to support the monitoring of OA
publishing mandates. Being the only publisher-neutral database with highly curated research literature content, the database permits the discovery and monitoring of credible Open Access (OA) publications and provides links to free full-text via the publisher’s website or trusted repositories.

OA in the Web of Science Core Collection:

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