Webinar: Spotting the Red Flags in Academic Publishing, 19th February 2025

Spotting the Red Flags in Academic Publishing

 The Research Services of The National and University Library offer practical tips for
PhD students and researchers in weekly webinars, starting at 3 PM on Wednesdays.

Language: English

Presenter: Helgi Sigurbjörnsson, information specialist

Academic publishing can be a minefield, especially with the rise of predatory publishing, which exploits researchers and compromises the integrity of scientific work. In this webinar, Helgi Sigurbjörnsson will focus on how to identify predatory journals, avoid common pitfalls, and ensure your research is published in reputable sources.

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The Future is Open: Navigating Open Access Publishing

The Future is Open: Navigating Open Access Publishing  Framtíðin er opin: Um birtingar í opnum aðgangi.

Welcome to our webinar on the basics of open access and how to effectively navigate this important topic in the research ecosystem. As the academic landscape evolves, open access provides a vital pathway for making research more accessible, equitable, and transparent. Margrét Gunnarsdóttir will explore the core principles of open access, the various models available, and practical tips for researchers and doctoral students.

February 12th 2025
The Future is Open: Navigating Open Access Publishing
Presenter: Margrét Gunnarsdóttir
Language: English
Recording from the webinar
Lesa áfram „The Future is Open: Navigating Open Access Publishing“

Vefkynning/Webinar: Val á tímaritum / Journal Selection 5. febrúar kl. 15:00

Rannsóknarþjónusta Landsbókasafns Íslands – Háskólabókasafns veitir doktorsnemum, framhaldsnemum og rannsakendum hagnýt ráð á vikulegum veffyrirlestrum sem hefjast kl. 15 á miðvikudögum

The Research Services of The National and University Library offer practical tips for PhD and graduate students, and researchers in weekly webinars, starting at 3 PM on Wednesdays.

February 5th, at 3:00-3:30 PM –
Language: English

Helgi Sigurbjörnsson / Journal Selection: Evaluating Journals for Your Research
Val á tímariti: Að meta og finna rétta tímaritið fyrir rannsóknina þína
Recording from the webinar

Lesa áfram „Vefkynning/Webinar: Val á tímaritum / Journal Selection 5. febrúar kl. 15:00“