UNESCO, Menningarmálastofnun Sameinuðu þjóðanna, samþykkti á 41. aðalráðstefnu sinni þann 23. nóvember sl. tilmæli til aðildarríkja varðandi opin vísindi. Drög voru lögð að tilmælunum á 40. aðalráðstefnu stofnunarinnar 2019. Öll aðildarríki samþykktu tilmælin. Skoða tilmælin.
Þetta er merkur áfangi og aðildarríki þurfa í framhaldinu að skoða tilmælin hvert fyrir sig og ígrunda hvar þau eru stödd í þessari vegferð í átt að opnum vísindum og hvaða skref þarf að taka næst.
Í tilmælunum kemur m.a. fram:
Fostering a culture of open science and aligning incentives for open science.
Member States, according to their specific conditions, governing structures and constitutional provisions, in a manner consistent with international and national legal frameworks, are recommended to engage actively in removing the barriers for open science, particularly those relating to research and career evaluation and awards systems. Assessment of scientific contribution and career progression rewarding good open science practices is needed for operationalization of open science. Attention should also be given to preventing and mitigating the unintended negative consequences of open science practices, such as predatory behaviours, data migration, exploitation and privatization of research data, increased costs for scientists and high article processing charges associated with certain business models in scientific publishing that may be causes of inequality for the scientific communities around the world and, in some cases, the loss of intellectual property and knowledge.
(UNESCO recommendation on Open Science, bls. 27).
Og ennfremur þessi athyglisverða klausa:
Promoting the development and implementation of evaluation and assessment systems that: • build on the existing efforts to improve the ways in which the scientific outputs are evaluated, such as the 2012 San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment, with an increased focus on the quality of research outputs rather than quantity, and by fit-for-purpose use of diversified indicators and processes that forego the use of journalbased metrics such as the journal impact factor;
(UNESCO recommendation on Open Science, bls. 28).