Albert W. Li, doktorsnemi við University of California, Irvine, deilir reynslu sinni varðandi opin vísindi (Open Science – OS) í greininni How I learned to embrace open science úr tímaritinu Science.
Þar lýsir hann því hve viðbrigðin voru mikil þegar hann kom til Bandaríkjanna í framhaldsnám, eftir að hafa lokið grunnnámi í Kína, varðandi viðhorf til opinna vísinda og vinnubragða.
An ethos of secrecy had colored my academic training up to that point. When I was an undergraduate student in China, a respected mentor cautioned, “Do not rush to publish your data in preprints, as others might scoop your ideas. Do not share your code, as it invites scrutiny and criticism. And try not to share your raw data—it makes us vulnerable.”
Hann lýsir vegferð sinni í átt að breyttum vinnubrögðum og segir loks:
The journey from guarded research practices to a more open and collaborative approach was challenging, yet deeply rewarding. I now see open science not as a hurdle, but as an opportunity to fortify my work against the inevitable tests of time and scrutiny.
Nánar um þetta í greininni How I learned to embrace open science úr tímaritinu Science.