Mánudagur 23. október 2023
Kl. 13 – 14. Open Access and Creative commons licenses in the light of copyright
Vefkynning (webinar) á TEAMS sem fram fer á ensku.
Upptaka af vefkynningunni hér/Recording from the webinar
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Rasmus Rindom Riise, Department for Research Support | Copenhagen University Library
Um Rasmus
Rasmus Rindom Riise works as a special advisor at Copenhagen University Library where he provides research support within Open Access and copyright. He is also involved in the strategic work of implementing Open Science at the University of Copenhagen.
Creative Commons licenses are the most widely used copyright licenses for research publications and they are an integral part of the Open Science movement – a movement from all rights reserved to some rights reserved. Researchers often find themselves in situations, where they have to choose between several Creative Commons licenses, e.g. when publishing Open Access. It can be a challenge to navigate the various licenses and license terms and what they mean for licensors and licensees – also if copyright has been assigned to the publisher. This presentation will shed light on:
- The movement from all rights reserved to some rights reserved
- The differences between the six licenses
- The use of licenses on Open Access publications
- What researchers should consider before choosing a license
- The effect of copyright transfer on licensors and licensees
Umsjón: Landsbókasafn – Háskólabókasafn