How to obtain *accepted manuscripts from publishers
If your research article has not been published open access, you can use the „green open access“ route.
Green open access means you send the accepted author manuscript to the library and we will upload it to IRIS, the Icelandic research information system. The manuscript will then be public at once or after an embargo through IRIS and automatically in Opin vísindi, the institutional repository, or after an embargo requested by the publisher. You are strongly encouraged to send your accepted manuscript to where we will check the terms of sharing/embargo and upload the manuscript to IRIS/Opin vísindi.
This way, you contribute to a greater distribution of your research results while enforcing the University of Iceland’s open-access policy.
What is a post-print?
A post-print is a peer-reviewed version of your accepted article before the preparation of the final version. This can be a Word document you have on your computer.
Most journals allow you to upload an early version of your article (e.g. preprint, accepted manuscript) to your institutional repository. How and when an accepted manuscript can be uploaded is usually part of the publisher‘s policy. This is also included in the copyright transfer agreement you sign with the publisher.
How to obtain post-prints
(… if you don‘t find them on your computer).
- Contact the corresponding author – the author may have received the accepted manuscript from the publisher.
- Contact your co-authors. They might have received the post-print from the publisher.
- Log on to the journal‘s submission system – i.e. the system where you submitted your original manuscript. You can follow the publication process from submission, revision, and acceptance to final publishing there. From this system, you can download the post-print. If a reference number is required, the corresponding author will often have this.
- Contact the publisher – you can write the publisher directly and request a copy of the accepted manuscript.
When you have obtained the post-print, please send it to while stating that it is the peer-reviewed manuscript you / post-print you are sending.
A good rule of thumb
Please be aware that you should request the post-print as soon as possible since the publishers in most cases only keep them for a period of six months up to two years after publication. As the author, you always have the right to receive the post-print right away, even though there might be an embargo period before it can be deposited in IRIS/Opin vísindi.
If you make sure to save your final manuscript with a clear file name when it is accepted, it is easy to find it later.
*There are several names for the post-print. The most commonly used are Post-print, Accepted Manuscript (AM), and Author Accepted Manuscript (AAM).
Copenhagen University Library. (2022). How to obtain accepted manuscripts.
University of Southern Denmark. (2024). Quick guide to green open access.